Monday, July 9, 2012

Cricut Cartridge- Boys Will Be Boys Comprehensive Overview

Today we are looking at the surprisingly versatile cartridge Boys Will Be Boys. In this post you will find information about:
  • the fonts
  • the images
  • the handbook and cartridge features
  • cartridge overlays
  • a comprehensive list of cartridge content (images and phrase) including a PDF version for download
The Cricut Cartridge, "Boys Will Be Boys" is a lot of fun.  Cricut has other boy and kid oriented cartridges, but I really like this one for two reasons: 1) each of the images comes with a mat which gives the images a different "personality" than other cartridges; and 2) because there is not just one, but TWO fonts!!  And it isn't like you get one adorable font and one that you can only use in specific types of projects either.  Both fonts are fabulous and the arrow font fits perfectly with the "personality" I mentioned about the images.  Below you will find 4 copies of each letter and number.  The arrow font and font shadow are on the left and the block font and font shadow are on the right.
You can mix and match the two different fonts or use them on their own.

The cartridge also includes a variety of different arrow signs going up, down and all around.  The arrows are not shown on the sample page (below) that comes on the back of the cartridge box.  The sample only shows the primary images.

Aren't these fun??  But there is even more to this cartridge than the two fonts, all the images you see above (+ the mat shapes of circles and rounded cornered squares).  You also get a bunch of great phrases!  Take a look at the two different handbook pages below.  I have written comments around the pages to help explain the different features that are available for each key on the cartridge overlay.

To see the entire handbook click here.

Some of you who are newer to the cricut world might be asking, "What is who is an overlay?"  The overlay comes with the cartridge in the box.  If you have an older machine like the 1st Expression or "Baby Bug" Personal Cutter, you place the overlay on the face of the machine so you know which buttons go with which images. 
 By selecting the feature keys on the left: Layer, Arrow Font, Block Font, Phrase, Phrase Layer and Shadow you are able to cut the other items you saw on the handbook pages above.  Selecting a feature key and then shift tells the machine to cut the image/ phrase in the upper right corner instead of the one on the bottom left.

The newer machines do not need the overlay because they come with a computerized operating screen which presents a digital overlay.  But either way, the layout of the real or virtual overlay is how you are able to communicate which your machine.  Below are the overlays that appear when you select a feature key.

Below you will find a "table of contents" for Boys Will be Boys.  It has every image and phrase you will find on the cartridge along with its corresponding page number. If you find any errors in the spreadsheet, please let me know so I can correct them. If you would like to share this information on your blog, instead of copy and pasting this info, please paste a link to my site. The spreadsheet below is saved as a JPEG but you can download a PDF version by clicking here:

Thanks so much for popping in.  Please let me know what you think about this series.  Your feedback helps me know if my instructions make sense. :o)


  1. Thanks so much. I have had my Cricut Exp. for 10 months. The biggest drawback is the handback. For me its not very clear what each piece is or where it goes etc. No one really addresses the handbook at length. This lesson was a big help and I am looking forward to many more.

    Clinton, MD

  2. I agree with the anon. poster. I also have this cart but hardly ever use it. I have 20/20 vision but can't see half the images in the book. I sometimes use a magnifying glass and still screw up the cut. I love my Cricut but sometimes it is more difficult than it should be. Your information is invaluable.
