Thursday, April 23, 2009

"One Little Word" Art Journal is one little word: BEAUTIFUL

Wowza. I can not believe Inspired is in 2 weeks. To tell you the truth, I am panicked! I have been working on the art journal swap everyday so it felt like I was on the ball, but now that the books are almost ready to be shipped out, I realize I have not even looked at the class supply lists. I have decided that I am going to bring everything that I have on hand and either buy, barter or borrow when I get there. I know it will all work out.

Speaking of Art Journals - holy cow did these books turn out to be amazing or what?? I am waiting on 2 more sets of pages and then they will be ready to ship to North Carolina.


  1. Okay, I'm not looking, 'cause I want them to be a surprise!!! :)

  2. OMG! I totally spoiled myself by peeking AND IT WAS SO WORTH IT!!! It is GORGEOUS!!!!
    Thank you so much for hosting this. I'm so glad I participated!

  3. oh how stunning. I am so jealous that I did not do this.

  4. these are wonderful, looking forward to getting mine. thank you so much for putting them together and sponsoring this trade.

  5. Great slide show presentation...the details with everyone's names front/back etc. was great. I'm sure once they are bound...all the members will treasure them...wish I had the time to participate...perhaps next year...yeah! See you all soon, fondly, Roberta

  6. i totally wish i'd participated in this! what a bummer!

    but sooo stoked for those who did! absolutely fabulous! will i get to see it in person at inspired?

