I haven't felt this way in a really long time and I have been savoring it rather than jumping into the scrapbook or even cleaning up from all the Disney craftyness I did for the trip. I want to retain this feeling of joy for as long as I can and it is easier than I thought because Disney branding is EVERYWHERE!
I am seeing the mice and princesses at gas stations and in check-out lines and on antenna balls and on food at the grocery store (its a little bizarre.) Thank goodness it wasn't a horrible trip or I'd be clobbered with reminders.
That said, I hope you will forgive my gradual return to reality and the world beyond my family and the magical kingdom. I am unpacked and some of the laundry is done. I went to the grocery store too. But that is where I stand right now. Once I'm back into my routine, I'll post the books I made for the kids along with a gazillion other things I have worked-on or thought about working on. Until then, I will leave you with this:
A dream is a wish your heart makes.
-- Cinderella
-- Cinderella
I felt exactly the same way after a trip to Disney World.