Its been a busy few weeks with lots of wonderful experiences and artful days. What is surprising, is that I don't feel like summer has just flown by. There are still a few more weeks and so far, we have sucked the summer out of nearly every day that has passed.

I had my last art class at camp this week. It was a another great year and I am delighted to have been able to work with the girls. Just to catch up on the last three sessions, for week four we made "All about me" 6 x 6 inch books.

I based the project on
Me & My Big Ideas, "A Kid Like Me" line. In my opinion, the "house" (below) page is by far the best. I disassembled house shaped chipboard books, had the kids decorate, then we mounted the house on a chipboard page. This part of the project was inspired by a class I took with the talented
Rebecca Gawryl.

The next week we made these darling beaded watches. The girls were so creative, many taking the concept and adding their own twist.

Last Tuesday we made burlap wall hangings. They turned out fabulous and I got wonderful feedback. Many of the girls told me my class was their favorite thing about camp. Yay!

I also handed over a project I was doing for a dear friend. I framed a bunch of art work that her children had done and collaged some photos of her daughter on a giant canvas. I was so nervous that she would not like it - its one thing for someone to buy your finished work, its entirely different when you are commissioned. Thankfully, they were delighted with it and I've even had an inquiry from another parent to do collages for her two kids.

I also finished and sent off button bloom bouquets for a wedding (see top). This is the wedding that is going to be in the coffee table book - wouldn't it be great if a shot of my blooms made it in one of the photos? I'm hopeful the flowers fulfill the event planner's vision. She was great at sending me pictures and explaining what she wanted so fingers crossed.

One of Stephanie's many stunning creations!
Stephanie has been doing some HOT new jewelry designs and revamping others. She is such a talented artist and I'm one lucky lady to get to work with her.
Lastly, I just finished restoring some Vintage Jewelry for
Artique which will soon be called
Adorn Bridal Boutique. They are stepping up the retail side of their business and as one of their buyers, they would like me to increase my offerings. I'm thrilled because I just love the hunt for vintage treasures!
Speaking of vintage, I've opened a second shop on Etsy,
Jillienes Vintage Shop (jillienesvintageshop.etsy.com).

Eventually, I'd like all the vintage items, including jewelry to live there and Jilliene Designs to be the home for my creations, kits and button blooms.
Eventually being the operative word.
As you can see, I've been one busy lady, all the while playing with my little guys and trying to run a household.

The truth is that my
Trigeminal Neuralgia has been tenacious, even on the medication so I
do, do, do to deal with my pain. Laying in bed only makes it worse although I've done my share of that this summer as well. But relief is near. I'll be having surgery in a few weeks which has more than a 99% chance of leaving me pain free. The downside is that it is brain surgery which is scary business.

This is a post operative scar of a woman who had the same procedure.
I was completely freaking out the first few days after it was scheduled but I've had some rough pain days since, and am now excited and eager to be free of the treacherous condition. If all goes well, I should be fully recovered to start a new semester at The Academy of Art.

I'm taking a sculpture class and figure drawing. Can't wait!! So there is the last few weeks in a nutshell. Good stuff.