I spent the entire day and evening working on the auction basket for my son's kindergarten class. About a month ago, I lead an art workshop with the kids. It was so much fun! Tim helped out along with Aidan's two teachers. The kids rotated between 4 stations to create incredible art pieces to be incorporated into a big basket of goodies. The basket will be auctioned off next week at St. Timothy's Art Show and fundraiser. I decided a stationary basket could be a lot of fun for the children, manageable for me and would be of use to the winning bidder.
At one of the tables, the kids created gift wrap on butcher paper using themed stamps, oil pastels, markers and stencils. Today, I trimmed off the edges with various border punches to give the sheets a finished look and wrapped each roll in big beautiful ribbon.

The next table decorated wooden frames, book covers and medium sized wooden pieces with glitter, confetti, foam shapes, feathers, pom poms and other tidbits. Today, I had to reattach a lot of the loose pieces that fell off and finish each piece with diamond glaze so the bits don't fall off when they get them home. I also assembled a mini album out of double sided card stock and the covers they decorated. I will title the book and stamp corner images and quotes on the pages tomorrow. With the small wood shapes, I attached magnets on the backs so that there are 6 or 8 very bright and beautiful creations to decorate the winner's refrigerator. They turned out SUPER CUTE!

The next table played with watercolors and glitter glue. I took these gorgeous works of art and cut them into sections to create greeting cards. They turned out so amazing. I would drop $5 for one of their cards without batting an eye and the basket has 12!

The last table painted on canvas paper with tempora paints. Each child was responsible for a month in the year. They were given index cards covered with stickers reflecting symbols for that month to help them decide what to paint (they are only 5 and 6 years old). I took these fabulous masterpieces and attached them to chipboard to create a large (12 x 24" calendar, It was a much bigger undertaking than I had anticipated but I think it will be the featured item in the basket. I'm including print outs for an additional year so they can glue them down over the months that have past to get more than one year from the calendar. I still need to figure out how I want it to hang and adhere the calendar pages tomorrow. It had been a 10 hour crafting session and I was know longer able to make simple decisions...

I am so excited for the kids to see their beautiful work when the basket is finally complete. I think they will all be so proud. Aidan certainly is. Hopefully it will bring in a nice contribution for the school and some lucky family will have a super fun momento of their child's kindergarten class!

My office is trashed. This is a tell tale sign of happiness!