What more can I say? I haven't blogged in several weeks because I have spent every minute I wasn't working, hanging out with the family, cleaning, and taking care of the business of life, playing in the studio. I have completed a number of scrapbooking projects and have a few more still in the works... It has been sooooo fun!
I just love how this 8 x 8 acrylic album turned out. I purchased the acrylic from Tap plastics and had them cut it into 8 x 8 squares several months ago but I couldn't commit to a concept. Then BAM! I thought of a review of 2007. My husband helped me drill the holes because the crop-o-dile caused the plastic to crack. He used my Fiskars hand drill to slowly grind the holes. I primarily used SEI paper and embellishments throughout the album but there are other products sprinkled through-out.

I also scrapped a bunch of 12 x 12 layouts - mostly pictures from the holidays but I also put together a few layouts from winters past with the wonderful Bohemia papers I got from SweetPea Scraps. This layout is of Grandma and Eva after she received her Christmas coat. I'll be posting the rest on 2Peas later this week.
Another project I completed was with the mail art group I belong to - UGRA or Under Ground Rail Art. Every month or so you receive a package in the mail with an amazing project someone has constructed for another member. The projects vary in style, size and medium. The themes are based on the recipients interests and each

"player" is invited to contribute to the project. This project was being made for Dawn who likes flowers, gargoyles, antiques, chocolate and coffee among other things. I went with a coffee theme, collaging vintage coffee advertisements and contemporary paraphernalia from Starbucks as a background. I then added a pot pouring into a cup which was adhered with pop dots. I also created 2 pockets; the larger had a tag with the history of coffee (I soaked the paper in coffee to antique the cardstock and to add an aroma). The smaller pocket had a chipboard coffee cup tag in it with a picture of Juan Valdez saying "Hola Dawn".

I've also been working on a fabric album for my daughter. I wanted to make her a scrapbook that she could take to bed with her, play with, cuddle, and we wouldn't have to worry about it getting ruined. She is 2 and very precarious so it needed to be "Eva-proofed". I've never made a cloth album before so it has been a learn-as-you-go project. I have finished the construction of the album but have been a little stymied with what I want to do on the pages. I elected to set it aside for a week in hopes that the inspiration will come to me.
The last few days I've been tinkering in my art journal. I have come up with a few new scrapbook layout sketches that I

am excited to see through. I've also practiced a few new doodles and have been playing with several different fonts. I dread journaling by hand because my handwriting stinks so I am really trying to learn a few new techniques. I've already noticed an improvement but it takes so long to write out a thought. I'll be writing again real soon. I've got a lot of exciting things coming up!