
Thursday, August 8, 2013

August Art with the Tiny Humans

I was really surprised to see that it has been a week since I last put up a post.  August arrived with a thump.  "Hello Jill, I'm here and have I a lot in store for you."

The last couple of days I have been preparing the Create and Innovate 2013-14 school year schedule and last weekend we spent 2 days stocking up on our project supplies from RAFT.

Maggie is now my Create and Innovate business partner which is so exciting!  The last few years Maggie has been a huge part of the Create and Innovate program and since it continues to grow, it was a natural step that we work together as a team.  She is the Ying to my Yang but we also share a brain.  We were working on program details today and I realized the point to my statement after I had already started talking so my words were a scattering of nonsense, but she knew just what I meant.  A bonus to our new partnership will be sharing all of the behind the scenes work which will allow me time to also focus on my blog and my work as the Product Rep and as a DT member for Fantabulous Cricut Challenge Blog.

This week we did a lot of fun projects at camp- I can't believe there is only one week left!  For our first activity, I used one of the projects from my last blog post.

It was an incredible undertaking but a ton of fun!

To start, I had the kids cover the bottom of their balloons with tissue paper and Modge Podge so that the interior of the bowl would be protected.

Then we put out a tub of watered down Modge Podge, several boxes of confetti and dollar store cookie sheets.  
The kids held their balloon over the tub while I scooped Modge Podge all over the bottom of their balloon.  They let the excess drip off and then set their balloon on the cookie sheet.  

Then they showered their balloons with confetti, gently patting the coat so that it soaked into adhesive solution.  

They brought their balloons back to me for a second coat of Modge Podge and they repeated the confetti process.  


When we were done with the project Jessica (a fabulous camp councilor) and I were practically tarred and feathered!

Then we hung the balloons out to dry.  We had one clothes line collapse from the weight because surprisingly, they became quite heavy after they were coated.

I can't wait to see what they look like when they are dry!

We also made treasure jars to put out in the garden.  These jars are so beautiful to look at and the best part is that you can put treasures inside of them. 

We used mason jars and the glass pebbles you can get at the dollar store or Michael's. 

The only adhesive that seems to work for this project is E5000 so you really need to do the project outside because of the fumes. 

The best way to apply the stones so that they stay put rather than slipping down the glass is to apply a coat of glue to an area, wait 90 seconds, then place the stones. Repeat the process until the entire side is complete.  If you wait 10 minutes before you turn your jar to work on the next side, the stones should stay in place. 

The kids took their time and enjoyed one another's company which was so sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Those look like some super cool and super fun art projects!
