
Friday, August 9, 2013

Have you met Maggie?

I know I have mentioned her, but I am not sure I have introduced you to Maggie Donoso.  She is one of my dearest friends in the whole world but also works for my scrapbooking/ photo archiving business, Jilliene Designs.

Because my scrapbooking and photo archiving projects were so massive, I depended on Maggie to double check all of the work, help research faces and locations for the databases, coordinate the various phases in processing the photos and overseeing a bulk of the administrative responsibilities.  She has truly been my right arm for more than 4 years.

Additionally, when I transformed the art program I had been teaching into the Create and Innovate program back in 2009, Maggie was right there helping me lead the classes.  She is amazingly gifted with children and has a vast amount of experience with hands-on, creative learning.  Let me put it this way- her house is the house on the block that all the kids congregate to.  She has 2 boys, 18 and 10, but regardless of ages or genders, the neighborhood children flock to the Donoso house to look for bugs in the backyard, set up a lemonade stand on the sidewalk, play football in the front yard, or do some crafting with Maggie on the patio. 

I feel so blessed to have Maggie as my new business partner for Create and Innovate.  Officially sharing this growing enterprise with her makes it even more remarkable.  You will be hearing more about her as time goes on so I thought I should formally introduce you.  Everyone, this is Maggie... Maggie, this is everyone.