
Monday, October 26, 2009

Just Having Fun...

Even though we were sick, I really enjoyed all the quality time with my family these past couple of weeks. Aidan is now old enough that he is a serious competitor in Skip Bo so we have spent a lot of time on my bed playing cards. Eva is such a cuddlier and I've been savoring every minute of having her wrapped up in my arms. We've read stories, played with her babies and colored in her coloring books. And at night, once the kids are asleep, Tim and I have been chit-chatting more often. We are so lucky to have such aligned views and goofy senses of humor. I don't know how come I am so blessed... I just know that I am.

I am a little anxious because I missed so much school and work while the kids and I were sick though. Oddly in juxtaposition, I am swirling with excitement over the groovy things happening with my Etsy shops. Business has been going great and I have gotten a lot of great feedback from my customers. I posted dozens of wonderful new treasures over the weekend and I have a giant box of goodies on its way from this amazing estate sale. I feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve waiting for the package to arrive. hee hee.

Tomorrow I have to buckle down and get caught up with some of my client work, finish my mid-term project and start on a new clay sculpture. Oops, let me re-phrase that... I GET to buckle down and get caught up with some of my client work, finish my mid-term project and start on a new clay sculpture. It is a privilege to have my clients and go to art is so important that I don't let being behind make my situation become stressful. I am committed to enjoy myself even if it feels a bit overwhelming. I'm thinking of tying a string around my finger because the hardest part in all of this activity is REMEMBERING to be happy.

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