
Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Hard Day at the Office

I'm still battling this nasty cold that has ripped through our house. I have no voice and I'm still super tired so when my mom came over to visit today, I was not the best company. Then the mail came and a large box filled with an assortment of vintage hats. We started modeling for one another, then we added jewelry and the next thing we knew we had configured an assortment of Vintage Accessory Kits. It was such fun pairing these unusual bonnets and caps with gorgeous brooches, earrings and necklaces. Then mom suggested I get dressed (yes, I was still in my PJ's) so we could snap a few photos of me with the hats and jewelry to post in my Etsy Shop.

I ran a brush through my hair, put on some lipstick and we had a fabulous photo shoot in the guest bathroom. The natural light was perfect and our pale shower curtain was a fantastic back drop. It must have been a sight to see my mom twisted around this bulky DSLR, smashed in the corner of the bathroom to get the right angle, while I sat on the edge of the tub posing in the most conspicuous ways so that the camera could capture the interesting accessories I had on. I laughed out loud as my mom started saying "yes...that's it...hold it...yes...turn...yes..." right out of an Austin Powers movie.

When I transferred the photos to my computer and got a look at them for the first time I was shocked. Holy cow - I felt like was it possible for me to look so darn cute... the saleswomen in me says "it was the accessories," the artist in me says "it was that incredible natural light" but the daughter in me knows that it was because I was hanging out with my mom.


  1. You do look really great!!! :) I can't believe you just threw on some lipstick and looked like that even though you're sick! Love the pairings, if I weren't a redhead I would buy that top combo for sure! :) But coral's a big no-no now. :P Great job, Jill!

  2. I wish I looked that good at my best. Hope you feel better very soon.
    xoxo, Helen

  3. I wish I looked that good when I'm sick ....-pretty sure I don't when I am well! Good luck with the sales! Susan

  4. i think of you often and all the hard work you did putting together our One Word journals. you look fantastic, the inner beauty kept help but come out in your body. You look great in all the outfits, wish i could wear a hat like that.
