
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The attitude of gratitude...

It is November people and that means it is time to get our gratitude on. In just 2 weeks we are going to be enjoying turkey, loved ones and loads of Christmas commercials in observance of gratitude and all of the blessings we enjoy as Americans. Last year I did a week of gratitude lists on my blog and the practice took off like wildfire. Lets see if we can generate even more buzz this year my fellow bloggers by starting the second annual "Attitude of Gratitude." Here is an the introduction from last years kick off:
When I am feeling frustrated, short changed, insufficient or victomized, I have a wise friend who reminds me that you can't feel self pity and gratitude at the same time. She has suggested on many, many occasions that the best way to combat feelings of resentment, jealousy, disappointment, inadequacy and sadness is to make a gratitude list. Her Rx for a "spell" of bad feelings (lasting more than a few days) is to make a gratitude list of 20 things everyday for a week. You are not to duplicate things you are grateful for, and in my practice, I try not to make a list of specific people because it prevents me from digging deep. My WASSIMA gals and I decided we were going to do a week together. Some of us were feeling low, others just liked the idea of it and I think it is a great way to go into November, which holds Thanksgiving and to officially kick off the Holiday Season.
So starting tomorrow my week (and attitude) of Gratitude will begin. Start yours with me if you can and lets feed off of one another so that in a weeks time our gratitude has grown exponentially. If you decide to participate be sure to leave a comment here with a link to your blog so everyone can find you...and lets be sure to comment on one another's blogs and recruit others to do the same to keep up the momentum. Perhaps you'll want to copy and paste some of this message so your friends and family can join the fun! See you tomorrow!


  1. i will try it. i know i won't last for an entire week but i will do it while i can...

  2. I'm in. I need this.

  3. Too funny, Jilliene... I was searching my blog archives for something and I came across my gratitude lists last year and was thinking that we need to do this again this year! Great minds think alike! I'll play along, not sure I'll start today 'cause my dad's here, it may be Sunday after he leaves. :)

  4. I'm in too. It's something I constantly remind myself to do - be present in the positive instead of the negative. Focus on all the blessings that surround me. Thanks for the reminder!

    I'm at

  5. after reading your blog i went to mine and posted 20 things i'm thankful for. thanks for the reminder. hope you are all well very soon.

  6. Jilliene, this picture makes me happy. So happy.

  7. This is great Jilliene. I will be doing the same on my blog very soon. Thanks for sharing with the SFetsy team.
