
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Swirly wirly twinkling toes

I've been doing so many different things these days that I feel like I am dancing - that is good right? Although sometimes I get dizzy and I feel like I'm going to accidentally spin out of the window or something.
The picture above is for a button blooms order I just filled to match the photos of the client's daughter's room decor.
I finished my very first still life / my very first oil painting today. What is really wacked is that we were only allowed to use Titanium White, Mars black, Terra Rosa (an earthy clay red) and yellow okra (like a dark Dijon mustard). My painting focal point was a blue teapot, so I had to blend blend blend to make a dull grey blue. Remember, blue is a primary color which I thought meant that it couldn't be "made" - well now I know otherwise.

There are a few structural issues with my teapot handle but for the most part, I feel like it came together. This was as much, if not more, an exercise about mixing colors as it was about painting a still life. There were a few times when I thought I was never going to make it work. Last night when I went to bed, I was REALLY discouraged! But today I just fell into the zone - I hate calling it "the zone" it sounds so 80's - But it definetely is a different state of consciousness. I had no sense of time, no fear of failure and my mind was completely focused on the task at hand. There was none of the mind chatter that makes me nuts sometimes. I'll have to work on another name for it though. Tomorrow, I have to do another still life but now I can use cadimin yellow.

I also have made 3 new charm braclets which I need to post on Etsy and a Charm Choker which is HOT! My husband wants me to keep it but I want to post it because I don't think anyone else is making something like this. I'm thinking this could be a fun trend if it catches on!

I also have a fabulous new client and we have been busy getting her work ready for the world to enjoy. More on that when we are ready to launch. Oh boy - I had better run - my husband is started to grumble that he hasn't seen me all day!

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Jilliene! FYI I'm seeing the "room decor" photo as a big huge unhappy face instead of room decor to match your button blooms! :P
