
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Blog Slacker returns with shame

I don't even know if the world noticed but for the sake of my 10 followers, I must apologize for not writing in a few weeks. Its not that I don't have things to share, I just haven't made the time to collect my thoughts and draft a few paragraphs. I have been pretty busy since I started back at school. I am taking Still Life painting and Digital Photography/ Photoshop. I'm loving both classes and am thrilled to be back to my schedule.

I have been playing with oils and I am in love. From the smell -to the blending -to that unique feeling as the brush spreads the creamy hues onto canvas. It is wonderfully fulfilling and pretty darn intimidating. I'm in the middle of a four color palette still life and I am delighted with what I've put together thus far but very nervous about the next layer. My coach and I are working on finding the space in between "perfection" and "just getting it over with." I will have to find that center before I can move forward.
This is my set up for the 4 color palette painting

Last week I was super busy working on my "who am I" pages for the WASSIMA fabric album page exchange. I just loved this project but it was super duper time consuming. My pages were an expression, a work of creative freedom, autobiographical and experimental. It was satisfying on so many levels. I cannot wait to see what everyone else did!

I used fabric from old clothes and other household items to create this "fabric of my life" flower

Aidan also turned 6 last week which just blows my mind. He is truly an extraordinary person and I am so blessed to be his mommy. We had a fun filled family celebration at Round Table. My sister had just celebrated her birthday also so I gave her the jewelry set I had made for her in sterling silver. It is a handmade chain maille bracelet with Swarovski crystals and a matching set of earrings. I think she really liked it :D

This picture does not do it justice but you can see the design...

Are we really parents of a (gulp) 6 year old??

We threw Aidan a surprise Pirate Party on Saturday with old school newspaper hats and treasure maps with real buried treasure. The party was such a hoot. Everyone had a GREAT time and Aidan was the happiest little boy in the world. Even his sister said " Mommy, can it be Aidan's birthday again tomorrow?"

They didn't have any pirate cake designs so I used the Hawaii cake and bought a treasure chest and pirates separately.

Ahoy Matey!

My husband picked up a Chinese paper for the hats to make them look more realistically exotic...

This is Auntie Shauna helping one group read their treasure map

Arghhhhhhhh! Where's me cupcake Lassey?

I'm 1/2 way done with my charms for the DDINSPIRED charm swap. It is such a different experience this year. Last year I was really new to charm making so it took a long time with lots of boo boo's. This year has been a piece of cake. I did not have to buy anything - I had it all in my stash and the design came to me really quickly. I completed 20 charms last night while watching TV. That is all for now. I have more to show and tell but I need to get some rest....


  1. what i fun party!!! i usually just opt for the easy!!

  2. I got your pages in the mail on Friday. THEY ARE SPECTACULAR!!!! I can't wait to send them out to the other girls. This was such a fun project and everyone's pages are just so different!

    Thanks also for the gorgeous handmade cards and binder! I'm posting about them on my blog now! :)
