
Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 word

So last night the WASSIMA gals were emailing back and forth about their "word"s for 2009. I remembered reading about this exercise on Ali Edwards blog last year and decided this year, I would participate too. But to my surprise, I had a really hard time coming up with my word. I was stumped. I decided to approach the problem like I would in a professional setting by breaking down the issues and then exploring various solutions. In the process, I got really clear about what hasn't been working in my internal world these last 12 months and what it would look like if I felt the way I wanted to. I realized that I had accumulated some pretty negative messages and feelings. Semi-unconsciously, I felt inadequate, hungry for security and acceptance, inconsistent, lazy and unrealized. I was disturbed that all this noise was playing in the back of my mind and I became determined to have some peace and quiet (for Pete's sake!)

I made a list of words that communicated what I wanted my new year to embody but oddly there isn't a single word to express, steadfast, renewal, health, contentment, generosity and abundance. I was leaning towards "Moxie" when I went to sleep last night (mostly because I liked the playfulness of the word) but when I awoke this morning, I had something completely different engraved in my mind. BE. My husband lovingly said - "I don't get it;" I replied, "That's OK, I do" and for the sake of this challenge, that is what matters. Without actually thinking about it, I realized that all I really want is to settle into my skin. Just saying that quiets so much of the negativity that set up camp in my unconscious mind. Yes, my word is definitely "Be".
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  1. Great word! Love it! :)

    p.s. I need to add my etsy listings to my page like you have... what's the easiest way?

  2. Hello, I am from Niger and i live in New York ,i run the website , I just check your website and blog you mention that you were a peace corps in NIger
    On my website i have Niger news in english and french , so you can keep up with Niger news ,
    and by the way i also have some Tuareg items , made by a french designer you could see it
    contact me at this email

  3. also a suggestion i have for you, you could do some Nigerien themed items ( touareg, hausa etc...) and see how you can present it to American public
    Email me at

  4. Pretty good.. Thanks.

    SBL Graphics
