
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Crochet Compulsion

I received a "Teach Yourself to Knit" kit for Christmas which caused me to pull down the 2 huge plastic tubs of yarn I was storing in the garage. They had been in storage for almost 6 years - since my pregnancy with Aidan. I was a crocheting fool during that last trimester - everyone got blankets for Christmas. Not small baby blankets but full size afghans in rich colors and elaborate patterns. I averaged about a blanket a week - it kept my mind off of my discomfort - Aidan was a 10 lb baby, 21.5 inches long. I'm 5'6 and was only 120 when my pregnancy started so I needed a big distraction.
But I digress... So out came the yarn- then my mom started tinkered with the knitting needles trying to remember how to drop a stitch so she could teach me. So I grabbed a crochet needle just for sh@!s and giggles - long story longer - I crocheted this scarf and hat in 2 days. I can barely bend my right index finger.

Oh and as I mentioned in my previous entry, I dyed my hair dark brown. It is a semi perm color so it will wash out in a few weeks but i may re-do it or try yet another color. When i was younger, I re-invented myself all the time. I tried a zillion looks - glam, hippy, J crew preppy, San Francisco eclectic - it was so fun to go to the recycled clothes store with a big bag of clothes and leave with another. Since I've been a mommy, I haven't done much of that because most of the time I don't really consider what I look like - I mean, I do what I do to look presentable but I don't put a lot of thought into it. Last weekend, I just felt like a change and I am so glad I actually did something about it. It was liberating. Not everyone likes the new doo - it takes a little time to get used to, but I think it is fun. It is different and I feel younger. It is such a great way to start the NEW YEAR. Ready for change, ready to change. Happy New Year!

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1 comment:

  1. love your HAIR COLOR!! suits you! and i cannot believe the YARN YOU USED!! It looks like the same one I bought to make pompoms (and a wee scarf for Sirryha's teddy bear! I don't knit but I did teach myself to FINGERKNIT over the holiday!) - I think the color is "Tangerine?" love the colors...wanted to do a pink/red/white/orange scheme in her room and this was JUST RIGHT! twinsies!
