
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Still So Inspired Mail Art Project

There are a group of us from Inspired who are doing Shimelle's 25th challenge. We keep in touch almost daily and reference one another in our blogs. It is really fun. We just decided to start a mail art group - we call it SSIMA - Still So Inspired Mail Art. I know, I know that acronym is sort of lame - it seems most everything snazzy has been taken. I'm hoping Heather will give it a witty twist but she started Art school last week so she's pretty much all business right now. So I am almost done with my first project to be worked on by the group. It is for Stella, so Stella, if you are reading this, please close you eyes or click here to see what color Shani is celebrating.

Drum roll please...... Ta Dah! (just kidding)

As you saw yesterday, I did one for my mother also. I was debating on posting this one because I didn't want Stella to see it but I realized that it might be useful for the other SSIMA-bots to get their creative juices flowing. Stella said she likes pink, these: "{ }" and in a covert poll, revealed that she is a serial card sender. I will be sending the book out on Monday with 2 completed cards. Each SSIMA-bot who volunteers to play will add 2 - 3 more cards and are invited to embellish the book. I left the book relatively un-embellished so everyone could add some of their flare.

Well I better run - off to the flea market with Maggie to look for ephemera and other treasures. Life is really good today.


  1. Great job, Jilliene!! And I want to participate in this for Stella but I cannot figure out how to add myself to the listing on the Yahoo group (sorry for being a dullard!! I don't want to EDIT incorrectly!)

    Let me know what I need to do!
    Enjoy your flea marketing today!! FUN! (and HAPPY MOTHER's DAY TO YOU! xoxox)

  2. Hey Jilliene! It looks GREAT! You have me down as the #2 person, right?

    I am working on the questionnaire... I've been sick all week and I'm a zombie half the time. :P

  3. This little book is great. I'm drooling over the paper.

  4. Love the book. Most of all loved checking out your site. And wow you have a great way with words. Your about me profile is beautiful.

  5. What a creative project. I'm loving the idea.
