
Monday, May 12, 2008

Flea Market adventures

Saturday, Maggie and I brought Eva and Alex with us to the flea market. It was such an adventure and an absolute blast! We were ready for anything - we had lots of sunblock, home filled water bottles (thinking green) strollers, our own shopping bags, big hats, small bills and a desire for vintage treasures.

It took us a while to get into the groove. There was so much to look at which made it hard to focus. Maggie snagged up the first buy of the day - a bird house full of potential! Once we got our hunting goggles on, we were able to scan, search and people watch all at the same time. We found most of our purchases at one booth - Old sheets of music and 1950's magazines including Life, National Geographic, and US News and World Report. Later in the day I found some old Golden books, a super old copy of Ivanhoe, a 1955 copy of "Now we are Six" and Walt Disney's "Story Land" - (I had this as a child). They all offer lots of potential for collage projects although I'm not sure I can bring my self to chop them up.

We left at 1:00 PM but I felt as though I had been gone for several days. It was like a mini vacation and a fantastic time! I can't wait to go again.

Mother's Day was very nice although busy with life chores. I spent half of the day grocery shopping - first the farmers market, then Safeway and lastly, Trader Joes. We ate a delicious picnic lunch in the backyard which included cherries, fresh homemade salsa and turkey sandwiches with Australian white cheddar and pesto. Tim cleaned the house in my honor and then he and Aidan went to play soccer while Eva and I took a nap. But this is most Sundays which is the perfect Mother's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a smashing day. Oh the finds. I am obsessed with old Magazines, there so fun to pull apart. Have fun creating with those goodies.Thank you for the kind comment. you rule:)
