
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Harmonious living

Yesterday was Earth Day and while I did not participate of any community effort or organized celebration, upon reflection, I see that I live a relatively green life. I recycle, bring my own bags to the store and skip plastic when at all possible, drive less, buy from the farmers market, eat organic when possible, carefully watch electric and water usage, grow my own vege's, compost and avoid purchasing items for my kids that will end up in the landfill. I cringe at gluttonous activities, talk about our planet's health with my kids and friends, carry a water bottle, avoid disposable anything and care. I'm not trying to toot my own horn because there is SOOOOOOOOOOO much more I could be doing. I just want to share my practices and make a commitment to increase my efforts in the upcoming year. I will be posting my eco-pledge later this week when I have it completed and I challenge you to do the same. Let's make a difference together.

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