
Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Monday!

Here is my newest drawing. I used Paulette Insalls "Longing" as my model this time. I just love how she is able to capture so much emotion with very few lines. Paulette is such a talented artist! I had sent her an email on Friday about the classes I am taking with her and she wrote back:
"...It was so sweet of you to post about my classes on your blog! Thank you so much for doing that! And I just love the piece you posted on your blog today inspired by my "Follow" painting! You did a wonderful job on it!! :) Copying really is a great way to learn. All the masters did it, so why shouldn't we modern artists? :D"
That put the biggest smile on my face!


  1. Your drawings are taking on a distinct personality. Good for you!
    Mine always look the same but your easy going attitude inspires me to "draw on"........
    Random Arts, Saluda, NC

  2. Your getting better and better each time! This drawing is great!
    I haven't had time to pick up my sketch book but give me a week or so and I'll be back in business :D
    Heather of the sookwang;)

  3. Jilliene, this is great! Definitely your best one yet. :) It encourages me to start copying away at something! :)

    Are you joining our 25th day challenge?
