
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Incredible, Amazing, Unbelievably Brilliant Solutions

These are the most incredible, amazing, unbelievably brilliant solutions to so many of the storage issues I have.  I know there are a lot of these lists out there but this one hit home for my particular troubles. I discovered them on after finding a link on pinterest.  I have to be honest, I'm posting them for myself as much as for you. I don't want to forget a single one.

ooops- #45 was a duplicate on their website.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You really should give credit to the source of your information. I just happen to know #26 is from as I am a loyal follower of Jen's. Please give credit where it is due - I am sure all of these ideas came from someone who would appreciate you listing them as the original source of the ideas in your post.

    1. I actually got the entire list from after discovering the list as a pin on pinterest. My opening paragraph gives credit to Listotic and discloses how I found the information. I truly did not mean to withhold credit nor claim credit for these hacks. As I said in the beginning, I posted this to remember the brilliant ideas as much as to share them with others. Your friend is brilliant! #26 is awesome.

  3. Jilliene is right, why should she have to backtrack Listotic's sources? If someone wants to find out bad enough who came up with the ideas they can contact Listotic. I had seen several of these ideas before in magazines, but there are several I hadn't and want to use for my craft room. Does this make me a bad person too? No! Realize that the post is meant to inform others with great information, and that's all she meant to do (she didn't take credit for anything!).

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