
Monday, August 19, 2013

Finally, Family Time and Relaxation

We are in Angels Camp for a few days after a CRAZY busy week. It was hot and muggy today so we spent most of the afternoon at the pool and in the rec center. 

The first day of vacation is always transitional... it takes some effort to let go of multi-tasking and over-stimulation.  Oddly enough, my challenge hasn't been unwinding and enjoying the quiet; I've been stressed about everyone else's fun. 

Between my mom's expectations for bonding and spending time together, my kid's obsession with playing video games and checking out in front of the TV and my husband need for activity, I am feeling uncomfortable with my ability to disengage with the world. I slept in, floated on my air mattress, worked out at the gym and soaked in the jacuzzi tub for 45 minutes.  All the while watching my husband's restlessness, hearing my kid's claims of boredom and feeling my mom's frustrated vibe because the kids want to turn the TV on whenever they get the chance.

These are the nuances of life that I find baffling but they are luxury problems that do not warrant the energy I give them.  Tomorrow is another day and I, for one, plan to enjoy it.  Hopefully everyone else will do the same, but if not, I'm gonna try not to fuss with them.  After all, I am on vacation.

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