
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Scraproom Evolution

Over the years I have had many spaces for my scrapbooking; lots and lots of set ups; dozens of interests and a heap of directives.  I used to sell kits, then I had a studio where I taught classes and held mini crops, then I opened a online shop, then I went to art school at the Academy of Art and all the while scrapping for hire.  I dug up a bunch of photos just for kicks.

This (below) was my 1st scrapbooking space back when we lived in our townhouse.  I had a huge room with a play area for my 3 year old son.  I'd set up the pack and play so my newborn daughter could take a theory.  I scrapped far less than I shopped - these were the days of QVC and HSC scrap-a-thons.  Nothing less than crack for me.

Below are my first few set-ups when we moved into our house.  It seemed like I was always moving things around.

Then I opened up a small studio in my garage (below).  I had started teaching classes at my son's school and at Michael's so I decided I would take it a step further and we transformed our garage into a super duper creative space.  It was wonderful, but freezing in the winter and scorching hot in the summer.

Then I started attending a bunch of workshops and I really got into mixed media.  I stopped teaching and holding small crops and started having friends over for "messy time".

Then I decided to go to art school.  I enrolled in the Academy of Art, downsized my stash,  and went back to my small craft room (below).

Then I got a drafting table and chair off of free-cycle!  Woo hoo - what a score!  But it took up a lot of space in the tiny room and I moved it a gazillion times trying to get the best configuration.

I was always searching for "innovative" supply storage solutions.  Some worked, some did not.


I think the industrial drawer unit is just not the bang for the buck I had wanted.  It takes up way too much space for the minimal storage it offers.

This (below) is what my space looks like today.  I feel so cramped in there, that I often bring a bunch of stuff to my bedroom and scrap on my bed.  One day I'll find the right arrangement. 


  1. WOWSERS! That is quite the evolution! Looooooove it! Thanks so much for linking your craftspace on my blog!!!


  2. Wow, you have had a lot of different looks and rooms! It's hard finding what works and what doesn't. I tend to have the same problem at times when looking for storage. I hope one day you can find what works for you and then not feel so cramped. TFS!
