
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Craft Supply Hoarder

There have been a lot of scrapbooking trends that I have gone bananas over and then never really used.  I blame HSN for some of it but mostly it is my own compulsive behavior.  I guess in some warped way I think that this cool new product will complete me as a human being.  Here is a list of 10 items that I HAD to have and are now collecting dust.
 1. WRMK Sew Easy-  I have a gazillion heads, enough thread to lace every shoe in America, the carrying case yet I do very little stitching.  I found that if I was going to go to all the trouble of pulling all the bits out, I might as well bring out the sewing machine.

2. Chipboard Letters - I'll use a set once but when I don't have a  letter that I need I dismiss the rest of the collection.  I know I could get creative about supplementing what is missing but I rarely make the effort. Why think when Micheal's is right down the street.  I know, pathetic.

3. Stamps - I have so many but because I am the gutter-ball queen of stamping, I rarely risk ruining a project by using them.  Look at all that black foam - no ink spots or remnants of paint. It is sad really.  These stamps have never fulfilled their destiny.

4. Ten Second Studios metal art products - I took a class; bought the starter kit and then I never used it. I love the concept but I just haven't made a project that calls for the look. Yes, that is my story and I'm sticking with it.

5. Maya Road mini albums - I have an assortment of the designs that have been released each season but I rarely use them.  I guess I'm more of a collector than a Maya Road crafter.  I even hang on to the chipboard embellishments because they are so stinkin cute.  I just can't bare to part with them.

6. Prismacolor markers - I invested a small fortune in these fancy shmancy markers but I rarely use them (this was before the Copic rage).  I could have stuck with crayola markers but at the time, it seemed critical that I had the very BEST, just in case I learned how to draw.
7. Xyron cartridges - I have the 1900 with multiple cartridges (laminate, laminate with magnet, removable and permanent), two 250 machines, 2, 150 "X"s and now a Creatopia but I rarely use them because I don't want to "waste" the adhesive.  Ridiculous.

8. Journalling Pens - I still can't stop buying journalling if the pen is magically going to change my chicken scratch into Heidi Swapp-like penmanship. Ha! That's a good one.
9. Ribbon - There were a few years when I couldn't go to Michael's without adding a spool of ribbon to my cart. Did I have a project in mind when I bought it? Nooooooo. I NEEDED a broad collection.... just in case.

10. Page protectors - I have no explanation for this compulsion.  I can only assume it is one of those squirrel instincts. One never want to be caught without the right size page protector that will fit into any hole configuration.  Am I right?
Maybe Bravo will come out with a reality show called "Craft Hoarders" and instead of helping you clean out your stash, they will teach you how to use all of your stuff like a pro.  Love that idea!!


  1. OMG you sound just like me!!!!! I don't like to use my supply because I might run out!!! Sometimes I feel like I spend more time buying than crafting.

  2. I know what you mean. it is so ridiculous. i could probably scrapbook every picture I ever took and will take with my current stash and still have supplies left over. i have gotten a wee bit better on using paper and store bought embellishments - mostly out of shame (lol) but after writing this, I may look at the situation as a challenge.

  3. There was a time I was in scrapbook making and sharing it with friends but now a days I need someone to take my exam for me so I can spare some time for my hobbies
