
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Scrapbook Island Flea and Back to School

Boy it has been a busy week...Scrapbook Island, my LSS, is having its annual flea market 8/26 so I spent 3 whole days going through my garage  to locate all the supplies I haven't been using.  This was no small task.  I have this nasty habit of, after completing a large project, putting everything into a box rather than cleaning up properly.  I set the box aside thinking I will take care of it in a day or two, but more times than not, the box finds it's way to the garage where it remains until it is rediscovered.  Sifting through 12 of those boxes was a big job but after it was all done I had 3 tubs of scrapbooking supplies to sell at bargain prices!

To add to the crazyness, I had my first Home and School Club  meeting on Monday.  I am the President of the HSC and I have a lot to do before back to school night on the 27th.  My inclination is to make adorable banners and colorful signage with my Cricut but I have decided to recycle everything I put together last year.  As fun as it is to do those kinds of projects, I need to be practical because I have plenty of other things to take care of.

Hence my brief absence... Tomorrow I will be returning to the blogsphere with another cartridge overview.  One that Cricut Gypsy owners may appreciate.  I will be doing a comprehensive overview of Gypsy Wanderings, one of the two cartridges that come preloaded when you purchase a Gypsy.  I love this cartridge but unfortunately,  they did not include a handbook in the Gypsy box, so I rarely use it.  I'm a visual and tactile person so I guess I need to have a handbook to browse.  There is a virtual handbook online but it isn't the same as having one in your hands to flip through.   Tomorrow's post will be loaded with helpful information to fill in the blanks.  Until then - have a good sleep...

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