
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Overview of Exclusive Preloaded Cricut Cartridge Gypsy Font

We took a look at Gypsy Wanderings on Friday, now lets look at Gypsy Font.  This is another preloaded cartridge exclusive to Gypsy owners.that cannot be purchased on its own.  Because there are very few images and no phrases on this cartridge, I do not have a cartridge Table of Contents (I am now calling the "cheat sheet with page numbers" a Table of Contents" for simplicity's sake) pdf for download.  In this post, we will cover:
  • The sample sheet provided by Provocraft when you purchase the Gypsy
  • a closer look at the font, numbers and other primary images on the cartridge
  • a view of the handbook with 9 handbook pages per 1, 8.5 x 11 page including a PDF download for your quick reference
  • a look at a handbook page and all the features per key
Above is the sample sheet you receive in the box when you purchase a Gypsy.  While it shows you all of the letters and so forth, it doesn't show you everything you really get with the cartridge.  Below is a look at all of the primary images on the cartridge.


I find it helpful to to see the fonts as a collection rather than isolated in a "per page" arrangement.  This allows me to envision the font used in words and welded together.  

Let's take a look at the handbook.  There are 9 pages below; each has 9 handbook pages on it.  
You can download a PDF copy of this Gypsy Font Handbook Reference Sheet by clicking the link below. You should print this out in horizontal orientation. 
 I did not create this configuration- This is the handy work of another devoted cricuteer Patty Goulden. I found this reference PDF through the Cricut message board along with many other cartridge handbooks.  Click here to view this goldmine of Cricut handbook information. Some cartridges are 6 per page and some are 9 per page.  You can view this thread by clicking here.
 Below is a look at a handbook page to show you the images you get when you use the feature buttons.

Each letter is both lower case and capitalized. Coordinating with the primary image letters, you get a shadow and blackout to add dimension.  You also get 2 monograms and monogram shadows in capital letters only and 2 monogram tags with shadows.

Below are 10 images that are included on the cartridge.  Because many of them are abstract, I did not create a table of contents for reference.
Let me know if you have any additional questions about this cartridge.  I hope this information is helpful.