
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Settling in to 2010

I have been off the grid the last month with lots of family time and gearing up for an amazing new year. As 2009 came to a close I was confused about my focus and what I wanted from the new year. I decided to put it out in the universe and sure enough,clarity came. My focus in the next few months will be growing my Etsy shops, spending time with my family and healing my body. Art school is going to have to be a secondary priority. I am not sure if that means taking the semester off or taking a light load of core classes on line; fortunately, I have a few more weeks to flush that out.
What I know is that being present in my life is too hard when I am juggling so much. I want time to read to my kids, take walks with my husband, get back to yoga and focus on alternative medicine to resolve my chronic pain. My creativity will still be fed through my Etsy shops but my business is at a point where it needs more of my attention so it can continue to bloom. I am blessed with clients who have lots of work for me and two Etsy shops that have exploded into flourishing enterprises. Nurturing my business and enjoying the fruits of my labor is more than enough excitement for this busy lady..

2010 has been already been fruitful. I have been busy posting treasures in my shops and shipping out orders daily. I have been getting acupuncture, physical therapy and attending biofeedback training. I have been spending time with my family and getting out of the house regardless of my pain. I have been physically active and eating much more healthy. I have recommitted to my recovery and am making every effort to live in the solution rather than the problem. I keep reminding myself that even the smallest change in direction, eventually takes you to a totally different place. I lost too much of 2009 "enduring" the pain of my trigeminal neuralgia (type 2). I want to live not endure!

That said, I am super excited about the amazing estate lot I just recently acquired. Over 500 gorgeous vintage jewelry pieces in impeccable condition. This kind of find is rare and I am committed to sharing the values with my customers. I have already listed 100 new items at wholesale or lower prices. I have had several jewelry shops buying up items to resell in their shops and collectors who are ecstatic to find so many quality pieces at such reasonable prices. It is delightful to encounter happy customer on such a regular basis. I just recently sold an item to Dr. Robi Ludwig who I have seen on TV many times. What fun!

On another note, I am trying to do something for the Haiti Earthquake relief fund. I am donating the shipping fees from each sale to the Red Cross and I am covering the shipping costs to get those items to the buyer. I felt so helpless watching the story unfold on the television. This makes me feel like I am helping in my own small way while raising awareness of the need for assistance.

With all of that in mind, I selected my "one little word" to support my efforts. I chose "healing". Whether it is healing wounds, hearts or problems, I choose to seek a solution and support resolution. Cowering to obstacles and procrastination have not been successful approaches in my experience, so I am making conscious commitment to healing, allowing for both organic and personal growth.

So that is what life looks like in January 2010. I am excited to live the months ahead and watch life unfold. I intend to be more regular with my blogging and I'll be sending out a quarterly newsletter with project instructions, vintage information and resources and other tidbits of relevant news. Please become a blog follower (on the left) if you would like to receive these e-newsletters. Happy New Year Everyone!


  1. jilliene, love this post and the intention behind you choosing healing for your focus. i definitely think your priorities are in the right place! i am thrilled to hear your etsy shops are thriving--your vintage pieces are stunning. i'm wishing you a fantastic year of health and self-discovery and love the idea of you living in the solution, rather than the problem! so totally inspirational! lots of love, michelle

  2. I'm inspired by your focus Jilliene, and wish you a prosperous and peaceful 2010 (and I totally look forward to meeting you in May!!)
