
Sunday, November 29, 2009

So I’m included in a Treasury, now what?

I just got an Etsy "convo" letting me know that I have been included in another treasury. This is my 4th time being included in a treasury and it feels like a honor but is it? Well I did a little research and found this great article by posted by Diana Rajchel . I thought I pass on this fantastic information for those of you who are wondering "so what?"

Let’s say you wake up one morning and you find a convo in your Etsybox: you’re in a treasury! Of course you should go, click, and post a comment thanking the curator. It’s the gracious thing to do, after all. And you could just leave it at that. Treasuries are random, low-traffic things with a short lifespan. Why make a fuss?

Here’s why:

Etsy admin looks through treasuries for front page ideas. While we on Etsy are still subject to admin’s whims and limitations, it does at least give us a chance to present new ideas to them.

So when your item is included in a treasury, you are being nominated by someone as front-page worthy. It’s like receiving a neighborhood association award: it means something to the person who picked you, and it might mean something to you.

If you assume the attitude that you’ve essentially received a small award, you should proceed as you would with any other award: tell the world. You’re helping bring more attention to your item and the items of others and it gives you a little bit of content for your social networking sites. Just grab a screenshot – you can use the print screen function on your desktop or one of three or four add-ons available in mozilla – and you can upload the image to your respective accounts. I’ve even gone so far as to add my treasuries to Etsy-treasury specific groups on flickr.

Places to Go with your Treasury Screenshot and What to Do when You’re There:

Add it to your slideshow. Create a 500 pixel image with a link back to the treasury and post it in bulletins. Ask people to click.

Tweet it no more than twice. Add a link.

Your personal blog
Post the image. Say how it makes you feel.

Add it to your notes field.

Your Etsy shop
Include a link in your shop announcement, just be sure to take it down as soon as the treasury expires.

You can also talk about it in forums in the appropriate areas – Etsy pretty much keeps you to Promotions, but it still can get some play there if your treasury is attention-worthy. I’m not suggesting you drop everything when you get in a treasury, but doing one or two of these things can help inch you up that path of recognition.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Jilliene! I just spent much of the day taking photos and I don't know how you do it, considering that it's not like you can use the photos again once the item sells (like I can just re-list when I make the item again!)! So time-consuming... but then again maybe that is just because my camera is a piece of crap. :)
