
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 6 - Gatitude Project

Eva is still sick but doing better this morning - she held her high fever through the night so I slept with one eye open. That kind of worry is no fun. My imagination gets more of a voice than I'd like... I started worrying that if I drifted off to sleep, she would take a turn for the worst. There were lots of tears and I gave out a zillion hugs while pushing fluids but we made it without incident. I am dog tired this morning but she seems to feel a little better. Tim's taking her to the pediatrician this morning so I have the morning "off." I have so much work to catch up on that I do not see a nap fitting into my schedule. It's OK - I am at the point where I would rather not feel so behind then feel tired. This gratitude list will be geared to getting into the groove.
  1. The holidays are coming (and a month off of school to get my batteries recharged!)
  2. That the holidays do not stress me out because we keep it simple
  3. That I have a studio in my house to do my work and school
  4. Tim - I know I have written things about him in previous lists but I want to acknowledge that he's my lobster.
  5. caffeine and sugar - that I am not a slave to either, but I do love them both.
  6. Noggin - I love that if my kids are gonna watch TV, there is an educational, commercial-free option!
  7. My wonderful stash of art supplies - it took a long, long time to collect, but I almost never have to go to the Michaels's to get items for a project.
  8. our back yard - we have wonderful trees, a lawn, two raised garden beds and enough space for our kids to kick the ball and ride their bikes (in circles).
  9. tivo
  10. to do lists
  11. humanity at its best
  12. children and all their magic
  13. comfortable shoes
  14. books
  15. silliness
  16. goodness
  17. I am not in charge
  18. that I did not get the bug (so far) that is making Eva sick
  19. electricity - it sure is handy
  20. teachers
We have 2 new additions to the gratitude project from the SFEtsy team: Linda at Rue Paris and My Dear darling!
Check out these other gratitude lists too and then- post your own!!


  1. Hi Jilliene! I saw your post on our SFEtsy group and I loved your project so I started mine today. :D Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

    Here's where my Gratitude List is:

  2. The lobster thing - I get it! I used to watch Boston Legal, too.
