
Monday, October 12, 2009

It's the Little Things

So last week we got a little bad news...I started noticing the return of my pain as I weaned off my post surgery pain medication. We met with my surgeon last Wednesday and he said I have a classic "a-typical presentation" of Trigeminal Neuralgia so I'm back with my neurologist in a few weeks to discuss my options. The last resort is another, more invasive surgery but I'm not going there. I'm coping with the pain one day at a time; sometimes one hour at a time by soaking up the joy in the little things. This morning as I enjoyed my coffee, I began to consider how all the little things added up to a really big life filled with blessings. This is just 20 "little things" that took place over the last week that made me feel good:
  1. I checked my VM and had 6 messages of people asking me how my Dr. appt went
  2. My teacher said my wax sculpture looks fantastic.
  3. I bought these beautiful stones on ebay for my midterm project for a fraction of the cost at other places

  4. When I came out this morning the kitchen was clean!
  5. My friend Emily offered to drive the kids to school if it rains.
  6. Aidan won his soccer game!
  7. I ordered new business cards
  8. I started a HUGE new project for a client!
  9. Patti ate lunch with us on Saturday.
  10. I spoke with Jen more than once this week
  11. I got a call from a woman I just met inviting me to get together for a meal sometime.
  12. We went to Starbucks yesterday AM for coffee and to play Uno with the kids and Lindsey and we saw Bob A.
  13. Cameron wrote a comment on my last blog entry that made me feel so good!
  14. Laura told me I inspire her.
  15. I found an old deck of Skip Bo cards and I wasn't missing a single card (out of 144)
  16. I got to hug Nancy J whom I have been missing.
  17. my family and Michele W's family went to see "cloudy with a chance of Meatballs"
  18. I listed a zillion new items on my Etsy shop - Its so exciting!
  19. I saw a bunch of people I love on Saturday morning and got to tell them so (and they said they loved me back)
  20. I fit into a pair of jeans that used to be tight.


  1. Hooray! So glad that you're enjoying the little things! :) Glad I could be one of them. :)

  2. Love the 20 things....(not so lovin that I have been so long apart from your BLOG!! I owe you a gadrillion comments!)

    You inspired me as always to keep on keepin on thru all the ups and downs. GO YOU.

    I am off to drool over your ETSY STUFF! xoxox
