
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Blog Face lift

I'm thinking its time for a blog makeover. Not necessarily just the look but the content too. A shot in the arm to take things to the next level. Tell me (be nice), what do you suggest my little blog needs to attract more visitors and offer more to my viewers.

Leave your comments and you will be entered to win in a random generator drawing for this prize:

Includes Paper Bliss 3-D embellishments, a roll of Bobbin ribbon, a Petaloo magnetic closure 6 x 6 album, Fancy Pants Rub On's (yummy), letters, word stickers and tags. I will post the winner at 5:00 PM PST on Monday. Thank you so much for your input!


  1. I like the feel but it is more scrapbooky and less artsy- maybe more tutorials and a more fancy banner

  2. great site love the style and feel of it,displays are fabulas

  3. many of the sites i go to daily have a more neutral appearance- less personal- more trendy/clean lines...kinda like when you sell your house- you have to remove all the family pictures and put away all the extra knick knacks.

    i love your blog and the content. i can hear your voice when i read it and your heartfelt honesty is refreshing.

    but to drum up more business you are going to have to have more tutorials and more common interest type entries.
    i admire your risk taking and ability to just get out there and DO it. it is amazing to me. i miss your spirit very much.

    ohhh and please, don't worry about a prize for me- i was happy to get a chance to visit- i loved your UNIVERSE says YES post and the quilt is AMAZING. wish i had done that. let me know if they do it again.

  4. Thanks for sharing this blog please visit my site also Face lift in islamabad
