
Monday, May 18, 2009

Fabulous Inspired Creations!!

Just a few projects I completed but still need photos. I am hoping to teach both of these at camp this summer! I am also looking forward to catching up with my own scrapbooking over the summer but I hate to jinx it by saying so. Just wait, come September I'll be saying - "I'll have time to finish up some projects now that summer's over..."

This is a project created by Shere Jamison, originally titled "It's a Wonderful Life" Decorative Wall Frame. I opted to go with a "My Family" and "home" theme since it is what I live and breath. I love that she encouraged stamping flourishes and mounting the paper flowers on the outside of the glass. The photo doesn't do it justice.

This project was inspired by Donna Downey's fabric scrapbooking projects as well as Susan Edmondson's casual, unfinished techniques. I love that you do not use scissors to cut the fabric, just rip and let the seems hang as they will. The stitching is not straight, the fabric buckles here and there, but this is all a part of the look.

When finished, there will be photos printed onto fabric, button, ribbon, flowers and yarn to dress up and tie together all the willy-nilly details. I love it so much that I'm almost ready to pull out my 1952 Singer and put in a fresh bobbin with really nice machine thread (I had to idea this was an important detail until last week). If I can't manage my machine, I'll just hand stitch.

These pages are so simple that you don't need a machine to make them hold up. If you don't have the pacience to securely stitch up the sides do a hybrid of glue and thread. Glue your pages and elements where you want them, then go back with a needle and colored thread to do the finishing touches and create the look of a sewn album.

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