
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Nothing Better than a HAPPY CUSTOMER


I received a wonderful email this morning from one of my Etsy customers. I shipped the "Cracker Jack" bracelet off to Australia last week and she received it yesterday as her note reads:
"Hi Jilliene,
Parcel arrived today and it is just stunning! I broke the bangle I always wear on the right hand recently and have been feeling naked without something there. Thank you very much for letting me take home this piece. I find everything about it makes me smile and I will certainly be back in the middle of 2009 to discuss a project with you. Thinking of requesting a couple of pieces to be made, if you have time. Anyhow if I don't speak to you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year. "
I am all smiles. My kids and I have been sick and it has taken a toll. This was the shot in the arm I needed. Poor Aidan had a 3 week virus turn into pneumonia last week and our little Eva has been home for the past 4 days with a fever, cough and congestion. Both kids have been glued to my side - there are just somethings in life that require mommy. I have been a full time nurse and part time patient (once my husband comes home, it is my turn to whine.) Unfortunately, my responsibilities at my part time job and as a part time student have been neglected which stresses me out. I also have a serious case of cabin fever. This email from my happy customer came at the perfect time!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Especially since you don't get to see her wear and enjoy it it is so lovely to get great feedback! :) I've found that I LOVE popping into the salon for a drop-off only to find everyone wearing my jewelry. Oh my gosh what a feeling, right?

    Hope everyone is well SOON! :) Sending healthy thoughts your way! :)
