
Thursday, November 6, 2008

I have a better attitude because of my gratitude - Day 7

It has been 1 week and I cannot deny how much better my spirit feels today versus 7 days ago. Somehow this gratitude has made me feel peaceful with my life as it stands right here and now. And knowing that other people in different parts of the world are doing their gratitude lists at the same time fills me a sense of connectedness that puts things in perspective. This is going to sound really corny but I just feel like at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is love. And while I may not be rich in money, I am very wealthy in love.

Day 7 - I am grateful for:

  1. The internet and how it has helped me stay in touch with so many INCREDIBLE woman
  2. blueberries
  3. courage
  4. mysteries
  5. my baseball cap
  6. the drive created my fascination
  7. that I can visit the snow and the ocean in a matter of hours
  8. forgiveness
  9. the new produce market that just opened up next to Trader Joe's "Real Produce"
  10. crossing guards
  11. my moral compass
  12. that I get to work from home
  13. central heating
  14. the clean laundry I discovered this morning because my husband stayed up late to do it
  15. honesty
  16. caller ID
  17. hot baths
  18. freecycle and craig's list
  19. that feeling of love that makes your heart swell and your blood warm up just a little.
  20. My life, the good, the bad and the ugly...


  1. love your list...

    saw your donation box on the side here...what a great idea.

    i wish i was going too- the weekend is just not a good one for me and the funds are very low here also-

    hope you get to go.

    i hi

  2. Hey Jilliene :D
    Thanks for all your blog comments!
    I a curious to know if the donation for Inpired thing is working :D
    I need a roomie if that helps LOL we could split the cot of the hotel room.
    Is Corvus going?
