
Monday, November 3, 2008

Day 4 - Happy Monday!

I am grateful for:
  1. parks
  2. drive through banking
  3. farmers markets
  4. yoga
  5. garage sales
  6. Trager and the amazing woman who administers it (I can't wait until Wednesday!)
  7. the sound of silence
  8. a smile from a stranger
  9. Billybob and 12 x 2 plus all the trimmings
  10. uninterrupted deep sleep
  11. the incredible bond I feel with my kids
  12. I do not live with anger inside of me
  13. the generosity of others
  14. those that lead by example and make great sacrifices to improve conditions for others
  15. teachers
  16. the many, many times I "dodged a bullet" disguised as a breakup, failure or rejection
  17. Those individuals that protect and serve - our armed forces, police, firefighters, the legal system and all the support staff that defend our freedom, rights, safety and way of life.
  18. a grocery store, post office, hardware store, several restaurants and numerous other conveniences are within a mile of my home. Many, many people around the world do not enjoy that luxury.
  19. I am healthy
  20. UGRA

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