
Monday, May 5, 2008

A wonderful weekend

It was quiet and lazy and busy and wonderful. The weekend was a mosaic of activities that authentically reflect my real life and I loved it. We had lots of family time, ate yummy dinners (including chicken Nachos!), we cleaned the house and backyard, Aidan and I bonded digging and planting our vegetable garden and the kids went to a birthday party with dad so I could take a nap on the bed we set up every summer outside in the sun. I had many "moments" where I felt my blessings and I was able to dispel negativity whenever it crept into my brain.

I hugged often, smiled generously, listened carefully, accepted wholeheartedly, and experienced honestly. It was so fabulous to get a few hours on my own without feeling the need to be busy; but rather to just be. I laid quietly listening to the wind chimes and feeling the sun's warmth on my back while journaling and then meditating. My mind was still which is so unusual. I did have intermittent memories of simpler times when laying in the sun was actually on my "to do" list. Of course back then, I thought I was incredibly busy.

About 30 minutes later, I started working on my ATC cards. I was super unsuccessful in transferring some images onto canvas which really chapped my hide. I used gel medium, acrylic paint, and even acrylic based gesso out of desperation. Nothing seemed to work with the images I had printed on my inkjet although I had some success with an image a friend had printed for me on her inkjet - go figure. By that time though, I had elected to go another direction. I don't know what to make of it. It just doesn't speak to me (see below). I'm thinking it needs a word collaged in. My husband told me to leave it alone. I'm going to sit on it for a day or two and see how I feel.
This design includes K & Co rub ons from the Amy Butler collection, an embossed stamped image of butterflies that I colored with watercolor pencils and a wet brush. I also washed the entire card with sparkle glaze. Tonight I will assembled my other design which includes a Kelly Rae piece printed on transparency.

You have to read this incredible chronicle of another amazing weekend at Create Beauty Daily. My friend Cameron gives a heartwarming account of magical moments. You don't want to miss it! Seriously - stop reading my blog and get over to hers. (Then come back and tell me how much you loved it!)

1 comment:

  1. i can hardly wait to see how the garden grows!!! i would love to garden. i bought some cilantro and squash. we'll see how it goes.

    happy day.

