
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Art, Art and Away!

Art is everywhere. I have a lot of art-centric projects going on right now and it is so excellent. I am actively creating for two mail art groups, I'm taking a fabulous painting class, I'm preparing curriculum for camp this July where I will be teaching art 4 days a week, I'm working on Aidan's school scrapbook, I'm scanning, restoring and archiving photos for my client, and I'm doing my own stuff too! It is fabulous to be in the creative state so much of the time.

Yesterday, after visiting the creative chaos blog by the incredibly talented Sooz, I became obsessed with button flowers. She saw them on Kals blog and then made her own which were just stunning! I had to make these for my very special friend, Peggy. I used what I had on hand so the pot is a little large and the stems are pretty scrawny.

When my husband saw them he said "you should sell those!" I went off to Michaels (which is just a block away) to get a smaller pot and raffia to wrap the stems. They turned out pretty cute but I'm still tinkering. I need to find something to use as "ground cover" other than clay or moss. If you have any ideas, please post them! Anyhow, I sent the pictures off to a few friends and ended up with 2 orders. How cool is that?


  1. those are so beautiful. i saw them on kal's blog but i like yours even better!!!

  2. Love what you've done with Oliver's flowers! Glad to know everyone is enjoying them!

  3. OMG! these are fantastic! Keep rockin' the art girl!

  4. ohhh they are LOVELY!! Weren't they FUN to make? I couldn't stop once I I am out of BUTTONS! : )
