
Sunday, April 20, 2008

I am obsessed

I can't stop. I just HAVE TO create. The sketches are especially wonderful because I can work on them while spending time with the kids (I know, I'm not giving them my whole attention). While they are busy playing in the sand box, doing puzzles or playing with blocks, I can sit with them but sketch too.

Last night I had a hard time drifting off so I did this drawing for Tim as a birthday gift. I wish I could say it is my own design, but it is a copy of one of Paulette Insall's amazing pieces entitled "Follow"

I used colored pencil (some Prism - I only have 12 colors -and some Crayola I borrowed from my kids) on watercolor paper. Lessons learned: The Crayola pencil does not blend so it is worth it to invest in good pencils. The watercolor paper holds each pencil stroke impression so not the best substrate. Noses aren't as complex as I thought - Yeah! Copying other's work is a great way to get practice and learn techniques. Hoping to do some more today!

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