
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

25th Pages Completed!

A group of Inspirees are doing a scrapbook challenge hostessed by Shimelle. The project entails taking photos of an entire day - the 25th of each month.

Then you scrapbook the photos using a template that Shimelle posts on her blog. I had a great time taking the photos last Friday. It took me a while to get into the groove but once I did, I was able to see my life in a different way. I found myself wanting to pick up the camera all weekend because I was more aware of memorable moments.
The hard part was picking the picture I wanted to use. I had some photos that were significant activities but not really great photos. I found myself considering how the photos would look together instead of the truth about my day and the sequencing of events. This was a great process to work through because I think every artist strugges with maintaining integrity in their work. I took the time to play with the layout and, as Tim Gund says "made it work".

The one thing that really compromised my layout was my darn photo printer. We recently got a computer that has Vista instead of XP and my Olympus P-10 won't print so I had to use the big printer -the colors ended up being washed out and dull.

I just love this challenge and am already looking forward to next month! I was dazzled by the work of my girls. Check it out!:
  • Aimee - my goodie page partner who spoiled me rotten
  • Cameron - she is sooooo talented!
  • Sooz - An inspiring artist and wonderfully warm person
  • Heather - my fabulous table mate who kept me in stitches! (waiting for her page post so check back soon)
  • Shani - my AMAZING apron swap partner (waiting for her page post so check back soon)
There are a few more gals participating but I haven't gotten their blog info as of yet. I'll be sure to add them as soon as I get it.


  1. I really like how you "worked" everything. I think there are so many things on this page that you love that you will go back to this page again and again. Even if it is just to flip the pages.

  2. very, very cool...i love all the blurry of activity and i love the positive vibe that jumps from the page.

  3. jilly jilly jill,
    i love your 25th project. it is fabU! i've been wanting to email to say hi. so hi! thanks for the post about my blog. i guess i'll have to get busy now that you've "linked" me!
