
Thursday, March 27, 2008

A little of this, a little of that

I gave blank handmade cards to the grown ups in my family this year for Easter. My mom is always asking me to make her a few for this birthday or that event so I thought a few spring sentiments might be a nice treat.
I have been dieing to do another piece of jewelry but I just cannot commit to the first bead. I find myself staring at my bead organizer, considering, debating, completely unfamiliar of my style. I'm so new to this art form that I often feel clumsy and intimidated. So I closed my eyes and let the inspiration come to me. I saw the colors of the Ocean and I could almost feel the sea breeze on my face. This is what came of it...
Inspired is just two weeks away. I'm so excited yet feeling the pressure because i have several swaps to complete, all of my class supplies to pack and I need to put in some extra hours on my current work project so I don't fall behind while I'm away. I started doing work for a new client last month and it is an absolute delight. I am archiving four generations of photos and memorabilia which includes scanning, restoring, cataloging, and scrapbooking their incredible family history. Needless to say, my office is a disaster:

I have to report a breakthrough I had last night. I have really been struggling with the back page of my art journal page design for the swap. I have started and discarded a number prototypes, but last night it came to me and I am feeling a huge relief. What a goofy thing to feel stressed out about - right? Here are a few of my attempts...

and here is the design I've decided to go with although I may still do some detailing...

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