
Thursday, April 23, 2009

"One Little Word" Art Journal is one little word: BEAUTIFUL

Wowza. I can not believe Inspired is in 2 weeks. To tell you the truth, I am panicked! I have been working on the art journal swap everyday so it felt like I was on the ball, but now that the books are almost ready to be shipped out, I realize I have not even looked at the class supply lists. I have decided that I am going to bring everything that I have on hand and either buy, barter or borrow when I get there. I know it will all work out.

Speaking of Art Journals - holy cow did these books turn out to be amazing or what?? I am waiting on 2 more sets of pages and then they will be ready to ship to North Carolina.

Monday, April 6, 2009

This is what I know...

Here is what I know at this moment and time...

- My kids are freaken adorable
- My life is nothing less than an example of Grace
- Oranges are delicious.
- Everything is going to be OK. In fact, it already is.
- Buddha was super smart.
- Color makes me smile.
- I have met the most incredible people along the way.
- I need to pay attention because this may very well be the best time of my life.
- Boys did not end up being all that important after all.
- Society is wrong
- People are a lot kinder than I realized and they have short memories.
- The voices in my head tell me lies.
- Worrying has no impact on the outcome.
- Being right is overrated.
- Chaos has a very important role in the nature of all things.
-When you look at this phase of American history within the context of the whole, things are pretty good.